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Missing: One Cute K-9

By Erin in Miscellaneous on Feb 21, 2006 8:41PM

Chicagoist's black, cold, bitter heart is usually not warmed by much. We save the sentiment for those who operate under the glass-is-half-full school of thought.

2006_02_bart.jpgSo it was surprising this morning when we found ourselves tearing up over the news that one of Chicago's finest has gone missing. Bart, a 79-pound German shepherd, who, according to the Trib, has been a K-9 for two years, apparently escaped through an open side gate at the home of his owner/partner, Officer Dave Dorken.

This story just kills us. KILLS US. We're such suckers for dogs here in the Chicagoist offices. And yes, yes, we know. Dogs and cats are lost every day and the only reason this is news is because it's a police dog and why oh why can't we give all lost pets this kind of attention - don't start, people. We know. If anything happened to Chicagoist's menagerie of pets we'd want an all-points bulletin out on them, too. But Bart is a working dog, putting himself on the line every blessed day. The only thing Chicagoist's dog puts herself on the line for is a rawhide chew swathed in peanut butter.

And this line just about killed us: "When I get ready for work, he's always there and he gets all businesslike," Dorken said by telephone, still searching 10 hours after Bart disappeared. "But at the end of the day, he turns into a family pet."

So keep an eye out for ol' Bart, would you? He's described as having black fur, white on the chest and tan paws. Apparently he's affectionate but don't try and bring him home to snuggle up with you on your couch for some reruns of Law & Order. Instead, call 911 or (312) 746-7180.

UPDATE: Oh huzzah! Bart has been found! Turns out a couple in Bart's Ashburn neighborhood on the Southwest side scooped up the dog into their van to keep him out of traffic and Bart went along willingly. How nice: a story with a happy ending.