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Soon to be Renamed the Sony Corpse

By Rachelle Bowden in News on Oct 1, 2006 10:39PM


Millennium Park has become known for a lot of things in its short lifespan to date: The huge budget overrun. Massive corporate sponsorship. The Cloud Bean Gate. The towering facial fountains. Flocks of gawking tourists. All that's fine; we can live with that. What we don't need is another popular, decent Chicago locale to be associated with a possible murder. That's unfortunate for the MP, for a dead body was found there Sunday morning.

Workers cleaning up after an event Saturday night noticed two men hanging around, drinking. Apparently no one forced them off the grounds, although no one seems to be sure yet who they were or what they were doing there. Eventually the two started to argue, whereupon one of them left the premises. Shortly thereafter, one of the workers found the other man's body face-down in the mud near Monroe Drive. The man is said to be Hispanic and died due to trauma to the head. Police aren't releasing too many details as yet; an autopsy is scheduled for Monday.

Chicagoist couldn't find what event happened at the Park last night or how late it went on, so we're professing ignorance at this juncture, but something tells us two guys "getting pretty drunk" on the grounds after hours aren't up to much good. Not to nitpick - after all, deaths happen all over the city - but this can't be good for our already shaky image. Chicago's "new" revolution has become intricately associated with Millennium Park. We always liked to think of it as what parks all around the city aspire to be, and we're hoping this situation doesn't repeat itself anytime soon.

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Thanks, Shannon!