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No More Reindeer Games for these Reindeer

By Laura Oppenheimer in Food on Dec 11, 2006 7:45PM

Glenview hot dog stand fRedhots and Fries will begin serving reindeer hot dogs this Friday, continuing through the end of December. Owner Fred Markoff said he got the idea after tasting Rudolph-flavored dogs several years ago in Alaska.

The dogs are a mixture of reindeer, beef and pork, and are served in the "traditional" style, with grilled onions and mustard. The wieners are imported from Alaskan meat producer, Indian Valley Meats. If you don't want to make the drive to Glenview, but still want to chow down on the reindeer dogs, you can order them online for $3.09 (12 oz). Otherwise, fRedhots and Fries charges $8.50.

If you are going to eat a hot dog, reindeer might not be a bad direction to head in. Nutrition-wise, reindeer holds its own. That being said, the kids might not be too pumped when you tell them their dinner was Donner and Blitzen. Luckily, fRedhots and Fries also stocks other exotic type hot dogs, including venison and alligator. Bon Appetite!

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