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Durkin Park 911 Tapes Released

By Margaret Lyons in News on Sep 25, 2007 7:35PM

2007_09_25_cpd.jpgIt took 51 calls to 911 and 26 minutes for the police to arrive at a brawl in Durkin Park in July, and now that the city has released tapes of those calls, things sound even worse. Calls started coming in before anyone got hurt. "They look like they're ready to get down — they've got bats and clubs and everything" is bad enough, but the urgency escalates until one caller is pleading, "He's not awake. He's lying on the ground. His eyes are closed. And there's blood coming out of his ears." Two 911 dispatchers were suspended after not, you know, dispatching anyone to the scene.

The tapes were released as part of a lawsuit against the city — one of many pending suits related to the case.