Will Stroger Tax Again?
By Kevin Robinson in News on Apr 2, 2008 1:00PM
Fresh off a mountain of controversy about her huge raise, Cook County's Chief Financial Officer (and Todd Stroger's cousin) Donna Dunnings is saying that the county won't have enough funds to operate. In spite of the recent sales tax increase that will generate more than $400 million for the county, "that structural deficit is living and breathing, and the sales tax is by no means the answer to that.... So, we have to look at other revenues, as well as cost containment,” Dunnings told a crowd of supporters and colleagues at the City Club of Chicago.

Dunnings also lashed out at critics (again), claiming that "to use the fact that I am the president's cousin as a distraction to problems the county is facing is the type of tactic George Bush and Karl Rove would admire," she said. "Confuse the facts. Scare the public. Tap into their angers and their fears. All in an effort to distract them from the real problems we face."