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64 Steps to a Better Chicago

By Prescott Carlson in News on Nov 7, 2008 10:20PM

garbage.jpgMayor Daley's 21st Century Commission has released a 140 page report detailing 64 ways to improve the city. Some of the recommendations made were establishing a business 311 call system, a revisiting of congestion tolls as well as other ways to reduce truck traffic, installing water meters at the 350,000 homes that don't have them, and the big kicker, farming out garbage pickup to private waste management companies (maybe that last one isn't such a bad idea).

Daley formed the commission because, in his words, he wants to "enhance the quality of life in our city and keep Chicago moving forward in a way that protects taxpayers. We understood that in order to stay ahead you always have to look ahead.” Daley also said that he has an open mind to these recommendations and that "he would certainly welcome any kind of economic stimulus money that might be forthcoming from the incoming presidential administration." (Hint, hint.)

We could have saved the commission a whole lot of time and effort and cut that list down to one item -- ELECT A NEW MAYOR. Although if pressed, we could probably come up with 50 more. [NBC5]

Photo by ankylosaur