Santa Claus is Coming to Already in Town
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Nov 8, 2008 4:45PM

Photo by jvoves
Ah, the dreaded Christmas Creep. It get's earlier and earlier every year. At least LITE FM is waiting until the week of Thanksgiving to start playing Christmas music, which is more than we can say for our friends in Boston, who have to deal with two stations already cranking out the holiday Perry Como. And now Santa's here. Amongst all the big news about that other guy this week, the focus at Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg was around the arrival of the big, jolly, red-suited guy who arrived on Friday, even earlier than usual. And why is that?
Thanksgiving falls later this year, creating fewer shopping days, so the mall wants to give consumers ample time to, well, consume, said Bonni Pear, a Woodfield spokeswoman.Makes perfect sense to us. Thanks to reader Katie Scully, we have proof that Target beat them all to the punch, after the jump.

Christmas in September, courtesy of Target, taken by Katie Scully.