Anti-Prop 8 Protest This Saturday
By Ali Trachta in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 13, 2008 7:25PM

Chicago will join more than 80 cities across America this Saturday in a nationwide protest of Proposition 8, which revoked marriage rights from the gay and lesbian community in California. Despite its passing last week, Prop 8 has been met with immense opposition, particularly in its home state. Still, progressives in the rest of the country tend to look to California to set the tone, so the passing of Prop 8 sets a disappointing precedent for those who hoped its defeat would set a new standard.
Currently the fate of Prop 8 lies in the hands of the California Supreme Court, which will decide if the overturn of gay marriage rights already written into law via public ballot is, in fact, legal. Until then, anti-Prop 8 activists intend to stay visible in the hopes of generating enough momentum to influence the courts.
At the risk of adding way more than two cents, this is arguably the most crucial civil rights issue of our generation. California is now the first state in history to revoke a right already in existence from a specific group of people. Those who support Prop 8 have their concerns (though some call them unfounded) that if gays are allowed to marry our society's moral fibers will unravel. But should Prop 8 stand, allowing discrimination to become law, where will our morals be then?
The protest takes place Saturday, Nov 15, 12:30 p.m. at the Federal Plaza, corner of Adams and Dearborn.
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