Chicagoist's "Beer of the Week:" LaCrosse Lager
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Nov 25, 2008 7:00PM

Weekend before last we were at a birthday party at Quencher's and the bar was at least four deep with customers the entire length. It was the third consecutive year that the hosts of this party set a record bar ring for the bar. Normally, we'd be sampling from Quencher's extensive beer menu, but we're getting old and wanted a drink fast. $2 cans of LaCrosse Lager was music to our ears.
Now, hot on the heels of naming PBR "BotW" some of you might be thinking, "Chuck's slipping." Purge that thought from your head right now. This is Thanksgiving, people. Growing up, that meant 30-packs of Old Style packed in snow on the back porch and your dad sneaking sips to you while Mom was preoccupied with the turkey. Remember the old advertisements for Old Style? How it was "brewed with Artesian spring water" and "krausened" in "God's Country?" We always thought God set a pretty low bar if his Promised Land was LaCrosse.
Guess what? MillerCoors (which makes Old Style) only owns the rights to the Old Style name. LaCrosse Lager uses the original Old Style brewing recipe. You know, back when the beer had some character to it. They're so proud of it that they re-painted the World's Largest Six Pack to reflect that. To us, the can artwork is more appealing than that of Old Style. After eight of these we were staring at the can and thinking maybe God's onto something in LaCrosse.
Now you know where to get the taste of Old Style the way it was meant to be. LaCrosse Lager is Chicagoist's "Beer of the Week."