The Bacon Meme Rolls On
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Dec 16, 2008 4:30PM

When we tried the country fried bacon at Risqué Café a few months back we knew that we were taking a few months off our life expectancy. Then we noticed that Evanston's popular hot dog joint Wiener and Still Champion (also made their own country fried bacon and thought to ourselves, "What the hell?"
We're never visiting Risqué again. This, readers, is the acme to which all who dabble in country fried bacon should aspire. Wiener and Still Champion uses thick country bacon, gives it a nice coating of seasoned batter, and serves a heaping helping (at least eight slices) for only $5. What you get is the crispy goodness of, say, fried chicken with the tender succulence of bacon. Served in a large Styrofoam sour container, the whole thing resembles a mock bucket of extra crispy from the Colonel. An order of this and a couple of Wiener and Still Champion's dipping dogs corn dogs made with homemade polenta batter and you've got yourself a meal fit for a street king.
Wiener and Still Champion is located at 802 Dempster St., Evanston. Hours of operation are 10:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday-Saturday; 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sunday.