Drew Peterson's Girlfriend Moves Out
By Samantha Abernethy in News on Jan 30, 2009 8:30PM
Well that was quick. Less than 24 hours after Peterson appeared on Nightline to talk about his lady-love, the cops were called to his Bolingbrook home by the father of Peterson's fiance to help her move out her things this morning. Ernie Raines showed up at Peterson's home this morning with
Dr. Phil and a TV crewa CBS cameraman to confront Peterson and help his daughter move out her things. (Raines had previously taped an episode of "Dr. Phil.")
He said his daughter called him Thursday afternoon--before the "Nightline" interview aired, but after snippets were circulating in the media--saying that she needed his help moving out of Peterson's house.But during his interview with the Tribune this afternoon Christina Raines yelled from the background: "I was leaving regardless!"
Christine Raines, 24, gave back the engagement ring, too. She will be moving back in with her boyfriend, having just moved out the remainder of her things on Monday. The boyfriend, Mike, said, "I think she was finally realizing what was going on, that he was using her as a little trophy girlfriend to make money off her and try to get his name back in the media."
So what does Peterson have to say about this tragedy? Well, it's just another episode in the highly-televised drama of his life. "Isn't it hilarious that the citizens in the country are more interested in my love life than the impeachment of governor?" Peterson said. "We have an impeached governor and every time I go on a date, they're more interested in that. I'm boggled. This is beyond me. It's like Drew TV." Yes, Peterson. We do think that's hilarious.