Mercy Me! Hospital And Alderman Cash In On Development Deals
By aaroncynic in News on Oct 13, 2009 5:20PM
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Mercy sold approximately 10 acres of land to developers who then cut two Chicago Alderman, Ted Mazola and Terry Gabinski, in on the deal. Mazola owns New West Realty, which has sold more than 100 homes on the land. Gabinski is connected to Gerald Fogelson, who bought a half acre of land from Mercy for $1.9 million and sold it to Gabinski for $3.7 million. Gabinski then used that land to build a $28.5 million senior residence, financed with millions from City Hall and the Illinois Housing Development Authority. He was also paid a handsome $1.9 million in developer fees.
If all of this stinks of Chicago’s failed Olympic bid, it’s because Eastgate Village, the development around Mercy, is mere blocks away from what would have been the Olympic Village. In addition, Gerald Fogelson’s business partner is Michael Scott, former member of Chicago’s 2016 Olympic committee. Despite the millions of dollars raked in by interested parties, it’s not what developers expected. Speaking to the Sun-Times, Fogelson said "Our sales are at least 50 to 60 percent slower than what was in the projection. We've had to drop our prices dramatically.''