Letter from 'Anonymous' Reveals Life Inside Fenger High School
By Camela Furry in Miscellaneous on Oct 20, 2009 3:40PM
Our friends at Windy Citizen tipped us off to a letter written by 'Anonymous', a 17-year old girl according to Salon.com who is a senior at Fenger High School near Agape Community Center where fellow student Derrion Albert was beaten to death.
Her letter is an honest account of what it's like to be a student from Altgeld Gardens housing project attending Fenger where she was shifted after Carver High School was closed. She talks about gang violence before Derrion's death - "When I was a sophomore, the night before prom, a boy got shot. He was playing Russian roulette at his house." And after - "They have people patting us down, on the chest and in between the cleavage when we go into school every day."