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Tom Dart Discusses the Foreclosure Crisis with Al-Jazeera

By Kevin Robinson in News on Dec 21, 2009 4:20PM

If you've followed the local news around the financial collapse, you know that Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has made national news for suspending foreclosure evictions in the county, citing the number of rent-paying tenants that were being suddenly evicted after the landlord neglected the mortgage payments. Dart resumed evictions after being assured by the banks that tenants in good standing would be able to stay in their homes. His stance on evictions has earned him praise (as well as criticism), including Time Magazine naming him one of its 100 most influential people for 2009.

Dart was recently interviewed by Al-Jazeera English for a piece that aired last week. The entire program is well worth watching, as it explores the consequences of real-estate speculation on communities and neighborhoods, especially here in Chicago. Dart's appearance begins at 2:11.