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Prosecutors: CTA Hammer Attack Over $1

By Marcus Gilmer in News on Mar 25, 2010 7:20PM

Valle's mugshot, via NBC 5
More details have emerged in this week's hammer attack on a CTA bus driver. 18-year-old Adan Valle has been charged with one count of aggravated battery of a government employee for the Tuesday afternoon attack on a bus driver on the 53A South Pulaski route. Prosecutors claim the incident started when the bus driver denied Valle a student fare. According to the Sun-Times, prosecutors claim Valle, "demanded his dollar back after he inserted it into the No. 53A bus’ fare machine Tuesday afternoon and was told he couldn’t get the special rate without producing a high school or college ID." After complaining to the driver that he had previously been able to get the student fare without an ID, prosecutors say Valle attacked the driver. Passengers on the bus broke up the attack and held Valle until police arrived. Valle also had other weapons - brass knuckles and a "black jack" club - on him at the time of his arrest.