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Thieves Make Off With Raptor Sculpture

By Marcus Gilmer in News on Apr 7, 2010 2:40PM

ZOMG RAPTORZ Some brazen thieves have made off with a Midlothian man's custom-made velociraptor sculpture. Gary Crawford said he found the sculpture - which is three feet by six feet, weighs 150 pounds, and is made of twisted steel and sex appeal - moved to side of his house last week but assumed it was an April Fool's joke. When he found the sculpture completely gone the next morning, he called police. More shocking than that thieves made off with the sculpture? That there was a 3 foot by six foot 150 pound steel sculpture of a velociraptor in Midlothian.

Crawford's main concern? That the thieves will sell the sculpture as scrap for cash. "I'm just hoping someone stole it for what it is and it's sitting in their basement. I hope someone didn't take it and try to get $15 for the scrap metal. It's one of a kind. It's not it's a blue Schwinn mountain bike." While there's no reward, he says he won't press charges if the sculpture is returned. Our theory: if it wasn't Bubbles then the sculpture came to life and is the one stalking Michael Buble.