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GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Brady Visits Mayor Daley

By Kevin Robinson in News on May 12, 2010 3:40PM

State Senator Bill Brady, the Republican nominee for governor of Illinois, visited Mayor Daley yesterday to talk about budget issues facing the city and state. But Daley made it clear that he's not endorsing Brady for governor. "It was a courtesy visit," mayoral press secretary Jacquelyn Heard told the Sun-Times. "Sen. Brady some time ago asked to see the mayor and [Tuesday] was the day," she said. "Mayor Daley is never so partisan that he's unwilling to listen."

Shortly after the meeting with Brady, Daley held a press conference to promote Chicago-centric bills before the General Assembly. And while his administration made it clear that the mayor was behind Pat Quinn for governor, House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie didn't hold back on ripping Brady's previous calls to make a 10 percent "across the board" cut to the state's budget, a campaign pledge Brady has been backing away from recently. In fact, Brady recently challenged the press to "find it on tape" where he said he called for 10 percent across the board cuts. Lucky for us, Capitol Fax's Dan Weber did just that.

"I suspect he doesn't have a clue what it means to cut across-the-board ten percent. I suspect he doesn’t know what kind of anguish that would cause ordinary people," Currie told the Sun-Times. "Whether it's seniors who need help to stay at home so they don’t have to go to nursing homes [or] kids who are the victims of abuse and neglect — I think he would have another thing coming."