Does The President Swear Too Much?
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Jun 9, 2010 4:20PM
No, that's not a headline from The Onion. That's a real question being considered by CBS 2 this morning. Apparently, President Obama's use of the word "ass" has some folks tittering that he needs sit quietly with a bar of soap in his mouth. The best part? While CBS 2 censors the word in the story, they were kind enough to keep it in the url. But, seriously...who cares? With the Gulf of Mexico filling up with oil, a former governor on trial for corruption and a former city police commander on trial for
torture perjury, the President's use of a word you hear on any number of primetime network tv shows and songs on the radio and t-shirts and God knows where else warrants this much attention? The people who are concerned about the language he uses are probably the same people who got upset with his "beer summit" last year (as opposed to, say, a Snapple summit). At least he can correctly pronounce the words he uses. And it's not his word choice that we're concerned with, it's the substance of the words and his ability to back them up. In that theme, we'll try to even this out with the following video exploring the words of another person who's been in the news lately: BP CEO Tony Hayward.