Homer Township: No Habla Español
By Prescott Carlson in News on Jul 14, 2010 8:30PM
Officials in Homer Township want the world to know that their little patch of the south suburbs is AMERICA, dammit, and we speak ENGLISH in America. So to get the point across, the three out of five board members that bothered attending Monday night's business meeting voted unanimously to pass resolution HT071210 which makes English the township's official language.
While the resolution acknowledged that the township does not have a "serious problem with illegal immigration" and did "recognize Native Americans had the first language [sic] in our Country [sic]," the board felt the need to offer their support of "actions to enforce existing immigration law" and to "acknowledge that English the [sic] dominant language of Homer Township."
Trustee Vicki Bozen and Township Clerk Steve Balich had tried and failed to pass the resolution in June, but took advantage of the dissenters absence this time around. Balich told the Tribune:
"My phone has been ringing off the hook, and I'm honestly surprised I'm not getting more negative calls. This is really about following the laws that are already on the books and how we enforce them."
Now all Homer Township needs to do is come up with some sort of agency and authority to actually enforce immigration laws, or pretty much any law for that matter.