Burnt Qur'an Found Outside Community Center
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Sep 15, 2010 2:20PM
You know, for all the hullabaloo that surrounded the asinine "Burn A Qur'an" day this past weekend, we were initially happy to think that cooler heads prevailed. Of course, we were naive to have thought we'd get through the weekend without incident. There are still ignorant people out there and apparently they left evidence of this over the weekend, leaving a burnt Qur'an outside a Northwest Side Muslim Community Center. The burnt holy book was discovered Sunday afternoon by a pair of teens heading to services at the center, located at 4380 N. Elston. Mohammed Kaiseruddin, a member of the community center's board, told the Tribune [via], "We feel like we've been victimized, that's for sure. When we handle the Quran ourselves ... we treat it with the utmost respect. We never put a copy of the Quran down on the floor." Police are investigating but have no suspects in the incident.
Of course, this was far from the only incident locally. According to CBS 2:
In recent weeks, CAIR-Chicago has also received reports that a local Islamic charity has been the subject of threats, and that a Muslim woman from the southwest suburbs was followed and harassed by a man as she went to a mosque.CAIR has also been documenting other anti-Islamic acts in recent weeks, including the burning of a Quran in front of an Islamic Center in East Lansing, Mich., Saturday. Torn pages of the Quran were found outside the Islamic Center, and some were smeared with feces, the Detroit News reported.
There was also an incident in New York City over the weekend when a man ripped apart and burned a Qur'an at Ground Zero during a protest. We were hoping that we wouldn't hear about incidents like these over the weekend, but, hell, nearly 1 in 5 Americans think Obama is Muslim and tie it to his job performance.:
The Pew poll finds that the less you like Obama, the more you're likely to call him a Muslim. "The view that Obama is a Muslim is highest among his political opponents," the pollster writes. "31% of Republicans and 30% of those who disapprove of his job performance express this view."
Oh well.