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Today in Rahmageddon: Temporary Digs, Eating Sandwiches in Bridgeport

By Chuck Sudo in Food on Oct 6, 2010 2:30PM

Have to admit, watching Rahm Emanuel flit about town like a dervish on his "Tell It Like It Is" listening tour is reaping some unexpected dividends. He must be glad to be back in campaign mode, even as he gets earfuls he didn't expect from Chatham residents at Izola's and Pilsen residents at Nuevo Leon. Which is probably why he decided to put Ricobene's on 26th Street on his itinerary yesterday, which he declared was a "good sandwich." Whether he was endorsing the breaded steak, Italian beef or the combo, we don't know. Having personal experience in navigating Ricobene's during lunch, he probably found a good crowd of supporters instead of the folks who turned out Monday to take him up on his listening tour slogan.

Taking a dig at Emanuel was Joe Trippi, campaign manager for Tom Dart's "will he or won't he" mayoral campaign. Trippi produced the video above from Rahmbo's first day glad handing, but edited it so that viewers only see residents telling it like it is to Emanuel and Rahm furiously applying hand sanitizer after every stop.

Emanuel further addressed the growing issue of his residency, by renting out a condo in the West Town/River West neighborhood. But that won't appease detractors and opponents. This is an issue that is not going to go away anytime soon. But at least he'll be near some really good restaurants within walking distance from the condo.