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Today in Rahmageddon: Money Changes Everything

By Chuck Sudo in News on Oct 22, 2010 2:30PM

Even though it's a near-certainty that Rahm Emanuel is running for mayor, he's still taking baby steps toward the anticlimactic formal announcement. The Rahmformer opened a political fund for the probable campaign using money from his federal campaign fund as seed money.

Emanuel also purchased $10,000 worth of voter records using that seed money. On Monday, the Illinois Democratic County Chairmen's Association reported receiving $10,000 Chicago for Rahm Emanuel. According to Emanuel spokesman Ben LaBolt, Emanuel's federal war chest contains $1.17 million.

Emanuel also has a Hollywood fundraiser slated for November 4, hosted by his brother Ari Emanuel. Ari Emanuel, co-CEO of William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, is best known as the inspiration for Jeremy Piven's character in "Entourage. We can see Ari Emanuel as abrasive and acerbic; Piven must provide the douchey notes.