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CTA Announces Train Station Repair Initiative

By Chuck Sudo in News on Sep 20, 2011 4:20PM

The Logan Square Blue Line Station is the first of 100 stations to receive repairs. (Photo by Gabriel X. Michael)

Mayor Emanuel and CTA President Forrest Claypool announced a year-long "Station Renewal Initiative" that will bring 100 stations in the transit authority's system to some semblance of modernity.

The first station to get a facelift will be the Logan Square Blue Line station, where Emanuel announced the initiative with Claypool and 35th Ward Ald. Rey Colon this morning. “Chicago is an international, world-class city, and my Administration is committed to investing in what’s right, to make sure every piece of it shines,” said Emanuel. “With this new Station Renewal program we'll have cleaner, brighter, more functional stations for CTA riders.”

The work will be conducted by "Renew Crews" - work crews consisting of different trades put together to tackle multiple problems simultaneously and efficiently. Claypool said,“by consolidating disparate trades that used to operate independently - on different schedules and at different locations, the station renewal program will integrate supplemental specialized private trade contractors." The work done at each station will be determined by its specific needs and configurations.