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Emanuel Says Romney Can't Handle Russia

By Samantha Abernethy in News on Mar 16, 2012 9:40PM

While the GOP candidates invade our airwaves with their campaign ads, Mayor Rahm Emanuel threw out his two cents on Mitt Romney's candidacy while campaigning for President Barack Obama today. Emanuel said Romney's handling (or lack thereof) of Rush Limbaugh calling a college student a slut is indicative of how Romney would fare as president because "if you can’t stand up to Rush, how are you gonna stand up to Russia?”"

Emanuel said, via the Sun-Times:

“Take a look at the fortitude and the strength and the determination and the vision that the president [displayed bailing out] the auto industry and juxtapose it to Mitt Romney, who doesn’t have the fortitude, the strength or the character in my view to stand up to Rush Limbaugh,” said Emanuel, Obama’s former White House chief of staff.

On the eve of an Illinois primary that will finally mean something for a change, the mayor added, “I thought what Rush Limbaugh said was — not only wrong. It was absolutely repulsive. That said, if you can’t stand up to Rush, how are you gonna stand up to Russia?”

Buuuuurrrnnnn... You know, it could be worse. At least Romney can't "see Russia" from his house.

Emanuel is never shy about how he feels about Democrats, but he has had some choice words to say about Romney, in particular. When he gave a speech in Iowa in November, he mocked all of the potential GOP candidates, but Romney got the brunt of it, saying, "Can we afford Mitt Romney's leadership?" In February Emanuel also said, “Maybe Mr. Romney is a bit too far removed from the day-to-day concerns of people who live paycheck-to-paycheck.”