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Afternoon Box Score: Tigers Take Series From Cubs

By Chuck Sudo in News on Jun 14, 2012 9:40PM

2012_4_9_cubs_logo.jpg Detroit 5, Cubs 3

If there's good news to be taken from losing two of three games to the Tigers, it's that the Cubs' woes on the field isn't having an effect on the turnstiles. This series drew 124,782 people to Wrigley Field, the largest attendance figure for a mid-week series in the ballpark's history.

Here's hoping many of them came to watch Tigers ace Justin Verlander pitch. The defending American League Cy Young winner and AL MVP seems to have righted himself after a minor May slump. Verlander struck out eight and only allowed two hits in eight innings of work. Cubs starter Travis Wood actually was up for the challenge of facing Verlander and allowed three runs in 6 2/3 innings of work.