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CPS, CTU Reach Deal On More Teachers To Handle Longer School Day

By Chuck Sudo in News on Jul 24, 2012 10:15PM


Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers Union were able to agree on something besides disagreeing today. The two sides reached a deal on a proposed longer school day that allows current teachers to keep the hours they’re currently working while hiring new teachers to fill the extra hours.

CPS has agreed to hire 477 formerly displaced teachers to fill the gaps in the longer school day, provided their last performance rating was satisfactory or higher. Previously the school board required a longer school day to be worked by current hires. Both sides declared victory after the after the agreement was announced, but this is clearly a victory for the teachers union. CTU President Karen Lewis said in a statement to media the agreement is a good first step, but that negotiations to avoid the first teachers strike in 25 years are still ongoing.

”This is movement in the right direction, but this does not settle the outstanding and mandatory issues in the contract,” said Lewis. “It is too bad this solution—which was actually presented months ago—was rejected out of hand. It has taken a march of nearly 10,000 educators, a strike authorization vote and a fact-finder’s report to get CPS to move on this issue. This is yet another example of the CTU’s determination and dedication to fighting for solutions that will strengthen our schools.”

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, flanked by CPS CEO Jean-Claude Brizard and Chicago School Board president David Vitale, called the deal “a break from the past.”

“Principals and teachers in every school will no longer have to choose between math and music... between arts and algebra... between reading a recess,” the mayor said.

The new teachers will cost a school system already strapped for cash around $40-50 million. Asked where the money would come from, Emanuel wouldn’t say, but added, “we can’t afford not to” hire the new teachers.

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