Activists Leave Coffins In Front of Obama Campaign Headquarters
By aaroncynic in News on Sep 5, 2012 5:20PM
Yesterday demonstrators left 10 wooden coffins on the sidewalk at Prudential Plaza, home of President Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters, as part of what they call solidarity actions with protests occurring at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.
Demonstrators held a mock funeral procession through the loop beginning at LaSalle and Jackson, chanting “Romney, Obama, same old drama.” After the march, about 50 demonstrators gathered in front of the Prudential building and spoke out on the President’s use of drones in conflicts overseas as well as the similarities between both Republican and Democratic candidates.
“Both of the presidential candidates have been bought and sold by the big banks and corporations that are destroying our democracy,” said Matthew McLoughlin, an organizer with Occupy Chicago in a press release. Protester Andy Thayer said over a bullhorn at the event “We are here to reject the 1 percent of both parties.” One Vietnam veteran, generally criticizing the Democratic party, said “three years after voting for the ‘peace’ candidate, I was drafted into a war.”
Today activists will demonstrate in front of the regional offices of Fannie Mae and later march back to Obama campaign headquarters. They plan on demonstrating at Prudential Plaza Thursday evening, as well.