Pat Quinn Shows Some Personality On A Prairie Home Companion
By Chuck Sudo in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 12, 2012 11:00PM
Garrison Keillor public radio's cure for insomnia, A Prairie Home Companion, and the trapped in amber characters of Lake Wobegon to the Auditorium Theater Saturday, and our governor got in on the action.
Pat Quinn took part in a "Guy Noir: Public Eye" segment, proved to be a good sport and showed more personality than normal as he read Keillor's words.
PQ: Mr. Noir, I'm Pat Quinn, the governor of Illinois.GK: Nice to meet you, but I thought that you were----
PQ: No, that was the guy before me. And the guy before him. And a couple guys back in the 70s and 80s-----
GK: So you're not----
PQ: No.
GK: And so far as you know there's not a----
PQ: No.
GK: Good. So what's the problem, Governor?
PQ: It's like this, Mr. Noir ---- I made a campaign commercial a couple years ago ----- let me show you this: (CLICK)
LL (SINGS): Q-u-i-n-n spells Quinn
The All-American Boy
A name that sin has never been connected to,
Although he's from Illinois.
Extra smart, extraordinary,
Pat Quinn, a man of the prairie. (BIG WOOF)GK: Very nice. Very nice. I like the Irish setter.
PQ: But did you notice the word "prairie"?
GK: No.
PQ: Misspelled. P-R-A-Y-R-I-E.
GK: You were trying to spell two words at once. Prairie and Prayer.
PQ: I saw it and right away I'm thinking, "This is gonna get in the papers, that Pat Quinn can't spell "prairie"----- remember Dan Quayle? Who misspelled "potato"----A guy can't be too careful. I'm up for re-election in two years. And you know, a lot of people are ready to believe the worst about the Irish -----
GK: So you put the kibosh on the commercial.
PQ: I did. I ordered all the copies destroyed except this one. But I was so upset, I got myself a hot dog from a hot dog stand and in my agitation I put ketchup on the hot dog.
GK: Not good, huh?
PQ: In Chicago, nobody puts ketchup on a hot dog. It's like putting a big chunk of cheese on your head.
We've embedded the entire segment below for your listening pleasure. When you've awakened, wipe the drool off your desk and go home.