Pencil This In: Robbie Gould At AJ Hudson's Public House; Solo In The 2nd City: Home (Alone) For The Holidays
By Chuck Sudo in Arts & Entertainment on Dec 10, 2012 6:20PM
Bears kicker Robbie Gould will be at AJ Hudson's Public House from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. tonight to host a Monday Night Football party that's also a fundraiser for local charities. This private event will feature raffle ticket giveaways, hors d’oeuvres buffet and select beer, wine and cocktails for $50 per person. Tickets may be purchased in advance on the smartphone app Bartab or by email. If tickets are still available tonight, they'll be $55. (3801 N. Ashland Ave.)
The Solo in the 2nd Series reading series hosted by Carly Oishi and Melinda McIntire moves to Beauty Bar Tuesday with the theme "Home (Alone) for the Holidays Featured readers include Annie Taylor, Bill Bullock, Eileen Dougharty, Reyna Jacqueline Pena, Ian Belknap. (1444 W. Chicago Ave.)
If you have an event for inclusion in "Pencil This In," please contact Tankboy (for A&E-related listings), Anthony (for tastings, dinners and food and drink-related events) or tips[at]chicagoist[dot]com.