Download Then See: Pujol At Elastic
By Tankboy in Arts & Entertainment on May 27, 2014 4:30PM
Pujol's sophomore effort KLUDGE is a bratty, snotty collection of basement party anthems. Daniel Pujol is the cool kid in the corner in the jean jacket, smoking cigarettes and not giving two shits about what you think of him. This translates into a collection of tunes tailor made to get your party on to; it's all good times and shimmy shaking in Pujol's world. The band comes through town this evening to play a show at Elastic and we suspect the storefronts underneath with see their ceiling s bend and shake under the weight of the good times going on upstairs.
Pujol plays with J Fenrandez tonight, May 27, at Elastic. 2830 N. Milwaukee Ave., 9 p.m., $10, all ages