Downstate Man Accused Of Molesting Rottweiler Puppy
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jul 18, 2014 9:45PM

Terry Wayne Davis (Photo via Illinois Sex Offender Registry website.)
According to the Alton Telegraph, Davis was indicted on three counts of sexual conduct with an animal, which his roommate allegedly witnessed. The incidents happened last October and the owner of the puppy had to euthanize her after became as a result of the incidents. Davis is also charged with unlawful failure to register as a sex offender.
If Davis is declared sexually dangerous, he can be confined by the Illinois Department of Corrections until he’s deemed to not be dangerous, and may be confined to treatment as a result of a civil proceeding, instead of a criminal trial. The rules of evidence would be the same as in a criminal suit, but Davis would be entitled to a civil jury trial. If Davis isn’t ruled sexually dangerous the case would proceed as a criminal trial. One of the factors in determining if a person is sexually dangerous is if he has problems controlling behavior due to mental difficulty.
Davis’ lawyer, in a motion filed May 22, argued his client should be found unfit to stand trial because Davis was hit in the back of the head with a steel pipe last year and has since suffered from blackouts, dizzy spells and memory loss. Davis also suffers from anxiety and depression, has trouble sleeping and staying focused, and is on Social Security disability, according to his attorney.
Davis' record of sexual abuse dates back to 2003, when he was convicted of Criminal Sexual Abuse with Force with a 16-year-old. He has been convicted of failing to to register as a sex offender in previous moves. He's being held on $50,000 bond and pleaded not guilty.