Here Are Chicago's Most Googled Search Terms Of 2015
By Mae Rice in News on Dec 16, 2015 8:44PM
This year, Chicagoans’ top priority was baseball. Based on Google data released today, we Googled the Chicago Cubs more than literally anything else, following a stellar team as they made it to the postseason and almost made it to the World Series.
We're not as Chicago-focused as we used to be, though. 2012 was all about Chief Keef, the Bears, and CTA Bus Tracker; most of our top searches this year corresponded with national or international events. The Paris attacks were our most-searched news event; our most-searched movie was Straight Outta Compton; and our most-searched person was Lamar Odom, a former NBA player (though never for a Chicago team) who is slowly recovering after overdosing and being found unconscious in a Nevada brothel.
Still, “Blackhawks Parade” was our tenth-most-searched event. (Not to gloat, other cities.) We haven’t gone totally mainstream yet.
Here’s Google’s full list:
Chicago’s Top Searches of 2015:
Chicago Cubs
Lamar Odom
Bobbi Kristina Brown
Patrick Kane
Ronda Rousey
Straight Outta Compton
Jurassic World
Sandra Bland
Hurricane Patricia
Chicago’s Most-Searched News and Events:
Hurricane Patricia
Chicago Bulls
Lunar Eclipse
Blood Moon
San Bernardino
Oregon Shooting
Baltimore Riots
Mayweather Vs Pacquiao
Blackhawks Parade
Chicago’s Most Searched People:
Lamar Odom
Bobbi Kristina Brown
Patrick Kane
Ronda Rousey
Sandra Bland
Caitlyn Jenner
Charlie Sheen
Donald Trump
Ruby Rose
Chicago’s Most Searched Films:
Straight Outta Compton
Jurassic World
American Sniper
The Visit
50 Shades Of Grey
Furious 7
Black Mass