Tell Us About Your Bar Hookups, Chicago
By Mae Rice in Food on Jan 4, 2016 9:30PM
Here at Chicagoist, we’re putting together a roundup of the city’s best hookup bars, and we’ve decided there’s only one way to find them—by asking you, our beloved readers, for your bar hookup stories.
Email your accounts—which we will publish strictly anonymously (unless you indicate otherwise!)—to, with the subject line “Bar hookup.”
In your account, please include:
* The name of the bar
* How, if at all, the bar (it’s atmosphere, bartenders, clientele) helped your hookup occur
* The story of the hookup, in as much detail as you are comfortable sharing
* Your age, gender, neighborhood—and your name, if you want to go on record with it (but we'll assume you don't!)
Extra points if you hooked up with someone you met at the bar, but as long as your story involves some combination of hooking up and bars, it is very welcome in our inbox.
Thanks in advance, you sexually active adults, you!