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One Of The World's Greatest Tequila Experts Could Make Your Cocktail Tonight

By Anthony Todd in Food on Mar 9, 2016 7:01PM

Photo via Shutterstock.

By Leigh Kunkel

Though you might not know it from the hipster obsession with bourbon over the last few years, tequila is actually the fastest-growing spirit in the world. Part of that is thanks to George Clooney, but a much larger part is due to the work of Tomas Estes, one of only two official Mexican Tequila Ambassadors worldwide; he literally wrote the book on it.

And he’s earned the title: not only has Estes brought his love of tequila to more than a dozen countries, he also developed his own brand, and has served more than four million margaritas over the course of his career.

Wednesday night at Bar Takito, you can help take that number even higher: Tomas Estes will be a guest bartender at the West Loop restaurant tonight starting at 6 p.m., serving up amazing agave cocktails alongside their Latin-inspired shared plates.

Wipe away any negative associations with tequila you have from college and come get a drink made by an actual tequila legend—you won’t regret this one.