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CAH's Morning Message: 'Comey Baby Light My Fire'

By Rachel Cromidas in Arts & Entertainment on Jun 8, 2017 2:27PM

Those on the edge of their seats watching former FBI director James Comey's testimony on his termination by President Donald Trump and possible Russian meddling in the U.S. election may appreciate this bit of levity from the Cards Against Humanity office: "Comey, baby, light my fire," may just be the song of summer.

Cards Against Humanity has shown its progressive politics before, donating $250,000 to the Sunlight Foundation for open government and threatening to buy and publish congress members' Internet browser histories. They're known for posting cheeky sayings and puns on their ever-changing office-front message board.

Homer and Elston. #Comey #speak #Chicago #cardsagainsthumanity

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