Q101's Website Wins an EPpy
By Jen Chung in Miscellaneous on May 13, 2004 9:39PM

The fine people at Editor & Publisher have announced their awards for best sites by media organizations and winner of "Best Overall Local Radio-affiliated Internet Service" was Chicago's own Q101.com. Chicagoist couldn't agree more, as we admire Q101.com's relatively clean yet visually interesting layout of their great content. One of our favorite parts of the site is Ryan Manno's "Telling It Like It Is"; for instance, he says that mainstream success for Modest Mouse would be deserved (versus being a bad "selling-out" kind of thing). Plus, Gothamist readers would be amused by Manno's thoughts on the Yeah Yeah Yeahs ("Ive yet to see any actual articles written about the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. But I do know that Im supposed to like them. I think. Or at least thats what the editors of the magazines say. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are an artsy, New York pseudo-punk band who are so anti-fashionable that theyre fashionable."). Congratulation, Q101.com!
The Editor and Publisher Awards are called the "EPpy's," not to be confused with the ESPYs or Epilady.