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Power Outage at O'Hare

By Margaret Lyons in News on Jul 13, 2004 4:41PM

2004_07_13.ohare.jpgOh, thank the sweet lord that we were not at OÂ’hare yesterday. Well, you could probably say that about any day, but yesterday especially. An explosion in a tunnel yesterday afternoon shut off power to two terminals and injured two workers. Air conditioning, elevators, baggage carousels, ticketing computers, security equipment, and everything else that gets plugged in were affected by the outage. Passengers were thrilled to visit a delicious tropical paradise right in the terminal.

Airport officials say that security was not compromised at all. Battery-operated wands and bomb-sniffing dogs replaced the typical safety brigade, and while it slowed things down a bit, delays were minimal. By all accounts, passengers were civil and patient, so, way to be.