Charity through Alcohol Consumption
By Rachelle Bowden in News on Sep 16, 2004 5:47PM
Everyone says they're going to do charity work "when they have the time", but next Thursday you'll be able to do it just by going out for a few drinks. AIDSCare has organized BarAIDS, where participating bars and clubs donate a portion of the day's sales to help people living with HIV/AIDS in the greater Chicago area achieve a higher quality of life through housing, care and support services. Sponsors for the event include VOX Vodka, who will donate up to $10,000 for each VOX drink ordered, and Orbitz, which will give participating drunkards the opportunity to enter a drawing for two roundtrip airline tickets within the continental U.S.
More information, and a list of participating bars/clubs can be found at the AIDSCare BarAIDS site.
Meanwhile, if you're in such a giving mood, Small Bar Wicker Park (2049 W Division) is kicking off a new monthly "Third Thursday" event which will feature a new local Chicago band every third Thursday of the month for free. Tonight it's The Its, next month The Bon Mots, and November has local favorites The M's. Cheap Goose Island beer flows from 10pm to 1am. Do your part to show your support for the local Chicago scene, which apparently is a bunch of bands that populate the "The" section in the record store bins. (Thanks s.)