Renegade Craft Fair
By Margaret Lyons in News on Sep 17, 2004 4:08PM
The Renegade Craft Fair is this weekend, and we can barely wait. The fair runs Saturday and Sunday from 10:30-5:30 in scenic Wicker Park. Mmmcrafty! The fair tends to attract small vendors, so expect to find lots of unusual and quirky goods.
This is only the second ever RCF. Its founders, Sue and Kathleen, say that they wanted to tap into "the established DIY craft movement that already had a presence online and in indie magazines, but had yet to reach the public thru a festival setting." For a complete list of venders, otherwise known as "a gigantic list of links Chicagoist is going to waste spend all afternoon clicking through," click aqui. Over 100 craftsters will be there hawking their goods (we're looking forward to snagging some Sushi Lipgloss) and Bust magazine will be handing out free issues. Oh, man, we love crafts so much.