Yeah, You Can Smile With Your Eyes, But Can You Drink With Them?
By Margaret Lyons in Arts & Entertainment on Oct 27, 2004 6:23PM
As far as drinking nights go, Wednesdays are kind of underappreciated. They have so much potential (read: you want to drink on Wednesday, no?) and yet so few bar deals or regular events. No worries. Chicagoist and Gothamist have teamed up to bring you the answer to your sadly-sober prayers: the America's Next Top Model Drinking Game. Please, drink responsibly. Also, add your own rule in the comments if you like. Finally, while tradition and respect for the show would dictate mandatory barfing following the consumption of any calories, consider this game an exemption.
- Drink every time Toccara eats or uses bad grammar...drink or eat.
- Everytime Norelle says "like," drink and look in the mirror and think about how pretty you are.
- Drink every time Amanda acts blind.
- Drink whenever Eva says "titties" or "bitches" or refers to hereself in third person ("Eva will be Eva").
- Drink when girls make faces about Cassie's bulimia.
- Drink every time water polo is referenced.
- Drink every time a girl talks about how she thought being a model would be easier. Another drink if they mention how everyone said to her, "You could be a model."
- Drink and do a pirouette every time one of the judges complains that Yaya is more of a dancer than a model.
- Drink whenever the contestants try to do something sexy that just comes out horribly, horribly scary. (see photo)
- Drink when Ann acts way possessive of Eva or simply crazy.
- Drink when the girls talk about how Tyra is like a mom. Chug if they inexplicably weep.
- Chug if the girls are styled with clothes and make-up that actually look wearable.
- Drink when you can see Janice's non-face plastic surgery, like her boobs, waddle, ass, etc.
- Drink when Kelle or another black model refers to Kelle's Oreo upper class upbringing.
- Drink every time they switch the gender pronoun for J, and whenever Mrs. J looks put out for being called Mrs. J.
- Drink when they talk about make-up looking "natural" (which it never does, because it's make-up).
- Drink every time someone mentions that [insert contestant's name here] is going to do her in and she won't make the top 5.
- Drink when the judges mention a girl looks dead, like a man or has a penis.
- Drink any time producers blur out a nipple or ass crack.
- Drink every time someone gets what's obviously bad advice. (ie, "go with the flow" rather than "try something different and work harder.")
- Drink when Janice says something nice.