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Happy President's Day

By Rachelle Bowden in Miscellaneous on Feb 21, 2005 11:00PM


President's Day.. one of those holidays where you don't get mail and the banks close early, but otherwise it's a non-event. Does anyone *really* celebrate it? If you're lucky, and much of Chicagoist has been, you might get off work. But all we've done on this day off was laundry. Lots of loads of laundry. Whee!

Here's a suggestion: Since we're (still) celebrating Lincoln's birthday, along with Washington's, on President's Day, why not make a submission to our Land of Lincoln Photo Contest? The entries we've received so far are great, but we know there are still more out there! Some ideas on where you can snap some photos of old Abe: Grant Park, Lincoln Park, the money in your wallet, Washington DC. Or if you don't want to leave the house, grab your magic marker, draw on an Abe beard and take some self portraits.

More details on the rules of the contest are here. We're accepting submissions through March 5. Just email your photo to After that we'll decide which photograph we like best and award some neat-o prizes. Don't miss your chance, get your entries in today!