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No Matches For Butt DNA; Another Hypocritical Quote From Hale's Camp

By Sam Bakken in News on Mar 8, 2005 5:26PM

Ciggie AssesA DNA sample investigators took from cigarette butt left in Judge Lefkow's kitchen sink after the murder of her husband and mother didn't match any of the 2.27 million genetic profiles currently in the national database. Nor did the DNA match any of Lefkow's family members. The butt was called a key piece of evidence along with a fingerprint on a broken window, a bloody footprint, other cigarette butts and a soda can found near the home. Investigators have received over 600 tips and information about the case aired on "America's Most Wanted" Saturday night. They're being careful to explore all leads, but a number of Krotchety Kantankerous Kooks and Hale's associates have been interviewed about the case.

Jerald Overturf, recently released from Florida prison and head of Hale's Creativity Worldwide church's prison ministries, said he told investigators that he thought it could have been some someone related to Hale's organization:

"It wouldn't surprise me if somebody did take it upon themselves to do this. They might think they'd get some brownie points later. I think it's disgusting. It's not what the church was supposed to be about."

Hey Overturf, what about your church's third commandment, "Remember that the inferior colored races are our deadly enemies, and that the most dangerous of all is the Jewish race. It is our immediate objective to relentlessly expand the White Race, and keep shrinking our enemies"? That sounds disgusting and since it's one of the tenets of your religion, it's probably what your church is about. Talk about flip-floppers. They need a better PR department. Bring in Carville.