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Drawbridge Irritation Set to Commence

By Andrew Peerless in News on May 9, 2005 7:25PM

image courtesy of yahoo! travelChicagoist has complained about the lack of springtime this year, and complained some more about the chilly temperatures outside. But, now that things finally seem to be looking up for those that enjoy sunshine, we.... well, we have more complaining to do.

Warmer temperatures mean that legions of lucky boat-owning inlanders will soon be sailing their crafts toward Lake Michigan, and that means those pesky drawbridges downtown will disrupt traffic and commuter routes as they periodically point their planks skyward to let the ships through. Chicago's drawbridges routinely stay open between seven and 12 minutes, and will open according to this schedule:

-Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.
-Saturdays at 8 a.m.
-Selected Sundays (May 15, 22 and June 5) at 8 a.m.

Chicago and its bridges actually have a pretty damn interesting history, all spelled out nicely here by the folks at Gapers Block.