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Saving Double Door: One Signature At A Time

By Scott Smith in News on Jun 9, 2005 3:00PM

As a court hearing on the fate of Double Door commences this 2005_06_09_dd.jpgafternoon, a new website is trying to organize the venue's fans into a critical mass. is a website started by two local musicians who are collecting signatures in an online petition and trying to motivate Chicago music fans to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to write Alderman Manny Flores and local media outlets to express their support for the venue's continued existence.

Most of information there has been provided by Double Door's own website but the petition's the new twist. The petition is addressed to the landlord and the alderman but consists mainly of the same statements previously printed on the Double Door website rather than a declaration of intent by the undersigned. Still, it's not like anyone's going to look at the signatures on this petition and think "Clearly, these people all want a new dog park built here."

So click over to the petition and add your name if you're so inclined. Or show up to the court hearing today at 2 PM in Room 2601 at the Cook County Courthouse in the Daley Center. Just make sure to keep it more House of Commons than House of Pain in the gallery.