Great America Is Anti-Mom Boobs
By Scott Smith in News on Jul 15, 2005 9:08PM
Acting in violation of a year-old state law protecting a woman’s right to feed her children with her boobs, a lifeguard at Great America asked a North Chicago woman to exit a wading pool while breast-feeding her 4-month-old daughter.
Despite covering herself, her baby and her boobs with a blanket—thereby sparing all concerned the trauma of a semi-nude portion of the human body—Rebecca Gray was asked to adjourn to a private area while engaging in the most loving and nuturing act known to humankind outside of buying the next round of beer.
The lifeguard in question cited “health concerns” in asking the mother to remove herself, her baby and her boobs from the pool. A spokeswoman for La Leche League International stated that the Center for Disease Control has determined that mother’s milk is a “safe fluid” in addition to being a fucking awesome Red Hot Chili Peppers album.
Chicagoist fully supports the rights of women to breast-feed in public. Unless it’s with someone else’s kid. Because then it’s just creepy.