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Chicago-L's Annual Tour

By Rachelle Bowden in News on Sep 13, 2005 12:03PM

2005_09_ctatour.jpgAttention history buffs, transit enthusists, railfans, and infrastructure geeks: For the 7th year in a row, is hosting a historic tour. This year it's happening on October 16, but you need to sign up now, as space is limited and it's first come, first serve.

The tour is on a chartered train, which is cool itself, but to make it even cooler, it's a Budd 2200-series car, the oldest the CTA currently uses. The tour stops at historic stations and in between you're given highlights, tidbits, and stories on the CTA's system architecture, engineering, and both planning and operational history. This year the tour includes stops at stations on the recently-renovated Douglas branch and the about-to-be renovated Brown Line.

2005_09_ctatour2.jpgThe cost of the tour is $33/person, which might seem steep, but you're going to be getting 5 full hours CTA nerdiness... which sounds GREAT to Chicagoist. And when are you ever going to ride on a private, NOT CROWDED train? We'd pay that much every morning if it meant we didn't have to have that chick's backpack in our face and that guy's elbow in our back.

So - Sunday, October 16, from 10am - 3pm. Fill out this form to sign up!

Photos of past tours via