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Fashion With An "F"

By Scott Smith in Miscellaneous on Oct 12, 2005 2:58PM

In the days following the decision to change the name of Marshall Field’s to Macy’s, Chicagoist spent many hours sitting around in our bathrobes while gorging ourselves on Frango mints and muttering one phrase over and over again: Fuck Macy’s.

Apparently, we weren’t the only ones. Another group of Chicagoans is taking their anger to the streets using the most powerful form of self-expression known to man: the t-shirt.

2005_10_12_fuckmacys.jpgNow available from the folks at the Fuck Macy’s t-shirt. Simple, elegant, refined. Recalling the famous shopping bags seen up and down State Street, it is an item of sartorial splendor that lets those around you know that you are unhappy with the loss of Marshall Field’s. And also that you have a big potty mouth.

Ironically, the shirts were previously available only at…Marshall Field’s! The group claims to have used "guerilla tactics" to sell the shirts around the Marshall Field’s store “with an occasional transaction happening within its walls.” They’re like retail ninjas! Though you won’t get the same cloak-and-dagger thrills, you can now purchase the shirts through the store on their website.

The people at wish to remain anonymous, but they describe themselves “a loosely-connected collective of Chicagoans” who are “artists, musicians, cubicle dwellers, and alcoholics.”

Chicagoist hereby promises to publish any pictures of its readers who are crafty enough to snap a picture of themselves wearing the t-shirt while standing in front of the Marshall Field’s plaque.