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If You See Something, Email Something

By Amy Hart in News on Oct 20, 2005 2:57PM


We all know that patronage in Chicago city government is alive and kicking, even though that is not supposed to be the case. But what can we do about it when we see it in action?

Federal monitor Noelle Brennan, appointed to oversee hiring practices in City Hall, has established a website where concerned citizens and tattletale city workers can report any hiring abuses and get current news on what is being done to prevent politically motivated hirings and promotions.

All comments and complaints reported on will remain confidential. But don't get too excited, there is no cash reward for reporting any wrongdoing.

Mayor Daley's administration has announced it will notify all city employees of the site within a month. Ummm... why does it take a month? Can't they just send out a simple email?