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7x7: Seven Chicago Area Photobloggers

By Rachelle Bowden in Arts & Entertainment on Oct 21, 2005 12:19PM


Chicagoist knows how you sit in your cube, reading Chicaogist, pressing refresh 100x, reading Gapers, Mimi, and other local sites. We've been there... hell, we're there every day.. trying to make our work day go by faster. . but if you're like us, the sites that really kill are the local photoblogs. To sit there trapped in cubeland, with your mind going numb on client calls and listening to your coworkers bitch.. you'd give anything to get the hell out of the office. And looking at how stunningly talented some of our local photographers are at capturing the spirit and beauty of Chicago, and how they make you want to get out and be in our city, is absolute torture.

Ey. So, where were we going with this? (Sometimes we lose track, ourselves.. TGIF!) 7 local photobloggers are being featured in a new exhibit at Lincoln Park Branch Library. One of these days (between now and November 18), when the 5 o'clock bell rings head out and give these photobloggers the attention they deserve as being some of the most talented photographers this city has to offer. Their talents, formats, and equipment range from lomo to 35 mm, digital to film, studio work to street photography. Seriously, so much variety, so much talent. Chicagoist wishes we had as much in our pinky finger. Oh, and each of the 7 photographers will have 7 photos on exhibit, hence the name, 7x7. Check it.
