The Cigarette That Puts Itself Out?
By Rachelle Bowden in News on Feb 27, 2006 3:38PM
Following in the steps of New York, Vermont & California, Illinois lawmakers are trying to pass a bill that requires all cigarettes sold in the state to be self-extinguishing.
Ciggie fires are the biggest cause of fire fatalities in America, about 800 people die every year from fires started by cigarettes. In New York, the bill passed in 2004 and in the first year the number of people killed by ciggie fires fell by 1/3. We can see why this bill would seem to make sense, but making a cigarette out of special paper that doesn't allow it to burn the length, doesn't really mean they're fire safe. If some moron falls asleep and that cigarette falls onto their paperwork, it's still gonna burn.
Also, reps at RJ Reynolds say these cigarettes cost more to manufacture and that there's not a lot of supply for the paper wrapping. So.. hmmm.. we wonder... do you think the consumer has to pay more? And then there are all those taxes.. and the ban. Hard time to be a smoker!